Wednesday, November 11

Wow, what a DAY!

We have had some rain, rain and more rain today, and with it, lots of wind! Kinda makes me a little bit nervous with the rain, wind and those big ol shallow rooted pines next to the house.
I took some pics at the shop today and was going to do a slideshow, worked and worked on it, then was trying to figure out how to get it on my blog and hit save, and guess guessed it, it didn't save it, I was so mad!!!! I am not very tekky at all, I am surprised I was able to do this blog. Bear with me.
Also, I want to say a BIG THANK YOU, to all our Veterans!!!
Jen at Just Country!


Raggedy Angel said...

I like the pics better this way ( i can look at them longer!) I love it!
The weather is terrible here....winds are high and rain, rain and more rain! Beth

Lisa said...

Wow - Things look great decorated for Christmas. Wish I was closer so I could come look in person. Sherrie has lots of great things to share about your place. She really enjoys coming to vist/shop. I can see why....lots of prim eye candy!!

~Lisa (Prims From Above)