Was emailing with my friend, BrunieMae, in Michigan tonight and she sent me a pic of her new old fliptop table, (its really nice!), and told her I had a small one, so sent her a pic of mine, well she emailed me back and asked if I had seen the orb in the pic,? I went back to see and sure enough, there it was, and it almost looks like it has a face! We had been told this house was haunted, but we have never really experienced anything, and we have lived here for 16 years. Well, looking at that orb in the pic gave me goose bumps. What do you think?
Well, if we do have ghosts, they are good ones and they must like us, because they have never bothered us, and I am sure they are primitive lovers too!!!! I am sure they are happy we fixed up that old farm market and made it a "Country Store"!
Jen at Just Country!