Did any of you make it to Liberty? It was a pretty good show, saw lots of good country stuff there! It sure was a hot day, I went on Friday, got there about 8:30 and by 2, I was BEAT! The heat really took it out of me.
Now we are getting things ready for Cameron this Saturday, hope the rain stays away for that one day, last I looked they said 30% chance. YUCK! Its no fun to be there in the rain, I know, it has happened to me more than once!
We will be set up behind Miss Belles in our regular spot, next to that little white building. Come see us! And yes, the shop will be open.
Wanted to show you a couple things that I have just recently gotten in, one is a doll made by my friend Linda, in Pa, and the other one is a horse made by another Pa. artist, they both do great work.