Broke some of the tallowberries down into smaller bunches, they look so pretty, had to take some pics of them today.....you know they are in a shell,and it pops open and under that shell is the pretty white berry....some people call it Charleston popcorn.
They are so pretty! I have a small bunch that I decorate with at Christmas, and I've had them for at least 8 yrs. They are starting to look like it too. haha!
They are hard to find around here.
They look fantastic in the brown crock.
I have some here at home that are about that old, other than some dust, they still look great, course they just sit there!!! What part of Ohio are you from, we grew up in Washington Court House, ever hear of that town? Theres a wonderful shop there, North Shore Primitives.
Jen, I had never heard of tallow berries until recently. They're really neat!
Their great, I have some here at the house I have had for....gosh 7 years maybe?
Love those tallowberries! I got me a big ole box of them last year...from somewhere in NC, hmmmm wonder who might've sent them!!!
Thanks AddieGrace
How pretty! Great shots of them too!
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