We had a great turnout at the Fall Open House, thank you all for coming! Everyone seemed to have a good time, I know I did. We got lots of compliments on the way the shop looked and I have to admit it did,but most of the credit for that goes to "Decorator Dee." She sure has the Knack! Thanks Dee.
Just did the drawing for the door prizes, and the winners are......Sherry Williamson, Raeford, Sheryl Scott, Aberdeen and Libby Fisher(finally.....Libby is a winner.....yay!).
Wanted to share something a customer and I were talking about this week, she was telling me the solar landscape lights are great to use when you loose power, she said to just take the top off and it will light up a room! These are very inexpensive and with this being hurricane season, they would be a great thing to have.....just in case. Just a little tip.
We will be closed on Labor Day, hope you all have a safe one!
Thanks again to all of you that came from near and far for our Fall Open House.
Jen at Just Country!